New England Ocean Science Education Collaborative (NEOSEC)





NEOSEC Officers, left to right:  Gail Scowcroft (URI), Chair; Billy Spitzer (New England Aquarium), Past Chair; and Wendy Lull (Seacoast Science Center), Chair-Elect.  Theresa Torrent-Ellis (Maine Coastal Program), Secretary, is not pictured.

The New England Ocean Science Education Collaborative (NEOSEC) is a collaboration among a range of institutions from across the region, including museums and aquaria, universities, and research institutions.  We recognize that understanding the ocean is integral to comprehending the Earth’s systems and our own life on this planet.  In December 2005, NEOSEC members identified ocean science literacy as a key goal for all of New England.  To that end, NEOSEC members have:

  • Promoted incorporation of ocean science into their states’ education standards;
  • Committed to adapting organizational efforts to include OSL principles and concepts directly as content for new programs or as context for existing ones; and
  • Joined to host a summit to introduce OSL to New England teachers, scientists, educators, policymakers, and science and education writers.

To learn more, visit NEOSEC's webpage.

If you’d like information about joining NEOSEC, contact NEOSEC staffperson Pam DiBona.


New England Ocean Literacy Summit

NEOSEC hosts a biannual summit to promote ocean science literacy in New England.  You can find the proceedings from our 2006 Summit here.

A second Summit will be held on November 7, 2008 at Boston University.  For more information, visit NEOSEC's website.